
SMART goal picBetween our Professional and personal lives, we need to set goals to achieve success. While these goals may not be congruent in their implementation, they are similar in effect. If we do not have the support we need to achieve and flourish, we will not be able to achieve the objectives we've set for ourselves.

One of the ways Synergy Marketing Strategy and Research, Inc. helps you accomplish your personal and professional targets is by setting a SMART goal. 


 SMART stands for:

  • Specific- The who, what, where, when, why, and which. Your objectives should be unmistakable and link together what is expected, why it is important, who is involved, where it is going to happen, and which constraints are in place. It is much easier to visualize if you make it specific which in turn, will be easier to measure. A vague ideal is not something that you can get excited about because it is not attainable or has not used key information.
  • Measurable- Imagine that you are trying to navigate a trip in a foreign country with a map without a key...you are probably going to get lost, right? The journey to reach your goal should have similar benchmarks. When mapping out your journey, you should include a concrete criterion for measuring progress and achievements.
  • Attainable- Your ambitions should be realistic and possible for you to reach. It is counter intuitive to set yourself up for failure. If you make a goal that is impossibly out of your reach, that is exactly what you are doing. Ask yourself, can I physically, mentally, and economically attain this goal? Will I accomplish this a certain amount of time?  What, if anything, could hold me back from achieving my ideal?
  • Relevant- Your objectives should matter to your business. A goal that does not address the core value of your business is not one that is worth having.
  • Timely- You should have an expected date of when you plan to reach your target.

Examples of SMART Goals:

   1. Get 1,000 new visits to your website by January 1st with content related to your business blog.

   2. Get 200 new leads by June 1st, through the content related to your business blog.

   3. Get 10 new customers by March 1st, through the content related to your business blog.

In your professional life, setting your goals based on your performance, the performance of your team, and data from your competitors will ensure that your goals are relative to your business. Having your performance measurable in past, present, and future, will increase the profitability of your business and the success in your sales goal. The information you have acquired is going to be the scaffolding that will help you build a strategy, and ultimately, execute the goal into success.
The same information is going to sync with your personal life objectives. Understanding your issues as to why you are not reaching your objectives is the first step to identifying your problem. Generate your SMART goals and you will have the road map to flourish in life and business. Achieving your goals in your business will ease the disconnect between your professional contacts, as well as the personal ones. Check out how we implement these strategies with the Free E-book from Dr. Rachel in the link below.


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